Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Do You See The Big Picture?

Today, I would be dwelling on the topic ‘Big Picture Enterpreneurs’. This is a continuation of my series on the criterias that define successful enterpreneurs which I have captioned ‘Are You An Enterpreneur’.

A big picture person, as opposed to the average person, is someone who prefers to take a bird view of things rather than going into some details. Just think about the perspective that you get when you look at a car from a high rise building and when you look at the same car while standing in front of it. In the first scenario, you see the end from the start. Even though you do not get all the details, for example you don’t see the colour of the seat and so on, but you get to see the car in full.

This example illustrates the big picture traits of successful enterpreneurs or would be enterpreneurs. The curious thing though is that it is difficult to be both a big picture person and a detailed oriented person, you are either here or there. Most big picture people think and talk of big, sometimes seemingly impossible ideas. This same set of people may have difficulties in finding their way to a destination even though they have been there a couple of times. In most cases, others find these ‘big picture’ persons to be strange and may even think that such people engage in fantasies. Needless to say the big picture people are in the minority and are the ones that have been responsible for the fundamental shifts in man’s evolution to date.

Take a moment to consider where you belong, do you think big, out of the box and able to see far beyond others or are you even afraid to dare. Do you usually think and consider how things would end or do you fail to even consider the next steps, where you classify yourself here would help you determine if you would succeed as an entrepreneur. Big picture persons are more likely to be successful enterpreneurs.

In my next post, I will discuss another trait that implies 'living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't'. It is title ‘Your comfort zone and you’. Until then, ponder this question: can you see your life’s big picture?’

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