Call it stability, security, guaranteed or whatever, most of us just want to stay where we are sure of getting something. In order words, it is human nature to be risk averse. This term is referred to as 'survivor instinct'. Why walk into the rain and get wet when you can stay indoors and remain dry? well, welcome to the continuation of my series on traits that would help you determine if you are an enterpreneur material or not.
What is your comfort zone? your comfort zone is that place or thing or job or career that bears the minimum risk for you. It is the zone where, though you may not achieve greatness, but are guaranteed of sustenance. It could be your parent's house or company, your place of birth, your job, your local business etc. In this case, it is most likely your job! Your job would guarantee you a monthly pay that covers your bills and other incidental expenses and that's it. This is guaranteed however and many would reason that 'a bird in hand is worth two in the woods.
If you reason along the 'bird in hand' line, you are definitely in your comfort zone and that is a clear indication of whether you would be a successful enterpreneur or not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring the comfort zone, like I said earlier, it is human to prefer a safe bet. What it implies however is that you are unwilling to 'live a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't!'
Think about this for a moment, most of the groundbreaking enterpreneurs of all time have either walked away from a lucrative career, job, education, school, family, country, company etc. to become the succesful enterpreneurs that we all celebrate. If you have inertia with respect to walking from a sure bet proposition into a risky, even if more rewarding, scenario, that is your comfort zone holding you back.
If you desire to be a successful enterpreneur, you need to identify your comfort zone and device strategies to exit that zone. This is in line with my believe, which i will cover in a future blog post, that great enterpreneurs only take calculated risks. Identify your comfort zone and device an exit strategy. The implementation of such a strategy might take years or months or days, whatever or however it takes, the day you make a definite decision to exit your comfort zone is the beginning of your enterpreneural success.
If you desire to become a successful enterpreneur, then deal with your comfort zone.
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